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April 1, 2024

Bravery is about going into the dark...

Bravery is about going into the dark...

Bravery is about going into the dark, and even though you may be uncertain about what to do, or where to go... you know you'll find your way out. 

Quick question

Tell me, have you ever had someone close to you tell you that they're moments from jumping? Leaving it all behind. Feeling so empty that the only thing that makes sense is to end their own life? This one goes out to all my brothers reading. I experienced this firsthand last night. The only thing that kept him here was his little princess. 

Until that moment, I had only read about that from news articles, heard similar stories in songs like "Jumper" and through friends of friends... and it hits differently when it's close to home. I am grateful that the eagle spirit was watching over both of us and the wily coyote trickster pulling punches to remind us of the great paradox; that amongst the play there can be extreme pain and at the same time, to ease up and enjoy the moments that will one day be no more.

It's been slapped in my face more times than I can count this past week. All the events leading up to last night make even more sense now. The men in my life need a space to get back to the basics and rediscover what true, healthy masculinity means. What it means to be a King. Heart-centred, powerful, instinctive and kind. Lovingly Powerful. 

I am forever grateful for my mentors who have shown me how to be both in my power and loving; a true Kingship. Now I know that I almost lost a brother because he felt he did not have any other options and I will never let that happen to anyone in my life. I need to do better. 

Into The Wild 2024

This is a call to all men who have felt that there was something more. All men wading through the swamp, the reeds and fighting in the darkness and feeling the terror of loneliness. This is for all of my brothers; all the men who desire to be the King for their princesses too. 

We can do better. I'm going to help show you how to return to that primal source of kingbear power that is deep within you, waiting to be unleashed.

I'm hosting a men's immersion on May 31-June 2 in Waterton, AB alongside a few of the Kings in my life who have helped me out of the darkness. My scratch notes are below... Early Bear Tickets will go on sale tonight. Comment on this post and we'll set up a quick call to make sure it's a good fit, to make sure we like each other and to make sure that I am 100% able to help you.

With love, live wild, kings



Here are the rough notes I came up with today... Comment below if you'd like to learn more or click here to book a virtual call to see if we like each other and if I can 100% help you. Only then will we book another time to talk business.